Monday, November 7, 2016

Freshman Research Conference

The Freshman Research Conference was very informational. I received a pretty clear sense of what the other two sections in our pod were doing and what they were learning about. I think that the information presented was very eye-opening and very interesting to learn about. From Professor Fitzgerald’s Brain Class, a panel of 4 students presented on Cooperative Learning. They gave us information about the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the obstacles that come with cooperative learning. Their information taught me that cooperative learning and group work is important. In the Altruism Class of Professor McGarry, I learned a lot about altruism and how altruists have lived their life from traumatic events such as the Rwandan Genocide and the Holocaust. From our class, I learned a lot more about happiness and the difference between self-efficacy and self-esteem. The information presented from all sections have taught me something new and helps me gain a better understanding of what happiness is and where it comes from. My role in the audience was to be supportive of everyone presenting and to give them my full attention by being attentive and respectful.

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