Monday, October 24, 2016

Is Partying Fun?

There have been times where I found myself doing things that were supposed to be fun, but in all honesty, they were the complete opposite. “Partying” isn’t really my thing for many reasons. However, my friends always invite me to go out with them because it would be fun to go out outside of school. This one time, I decided to go since I had nothing else to do at home, and I didn’t have work. So, I thought I’d go so I wouldn’t waste my Saturday night. Nothing really happened at the party. I literally just sat there on my phone, when I could’ve been doing that at home. This was not my cup of tea because I didn’t really talk to anyone and I was sitting there in silence, glued to my phone while everyone was socializing and doing their own thing. A source of fun for me is going out with my friends from my church youth group and getting milk tea and talking about life. I also like playing my guitar or piano for fun to get my mind off things.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Call to Action Day Reflection

My first Call to Action Day took place at Treasure Island Sailing Center in San Francisco. It was honestly different from what I expected it to be. My class and I helped guide a mixed class that consisted of 4th and 5th graders. They learned about positive and negative buoyancy, as well as being able to go out and sail themselves. The students were able to engage in a hands-on activity by using a piece of aluminum foil to make a boat. They tried to fit as many marbles as they could before it sank to the bottom. From the 5th grade class,  two students, Jason and Aldo, were able to put 270 marbles into their aluminum foil boat before it sank. They had a strong sense of knowledge of what and how buoyancy worked. Although the day was eventful for the kids, it was unproductive for my class and I. I was not able to engage as much as I wanted to, because there was only so much I could do. I helped in ways that I could, by counting marbles with the students and encouraging them to keep trying and not give up. It was nice seeing the students enjoy the activities. Although I couldn't help out much, I enjoyed seeing the smiles on their faces.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Best Moments of September

9/1 : My best friend surprised me with brownies
9/2 : Explored through Belmont after my classes finished and went to the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the first time
9/3 : Spent time with my family
9/4: Prayed the rosary with my family
9/5 : Baked cookies with my little cousins
9/6 : Ran into an old friend at Starbucks
9/7: My friend surprised me at work
9/8: Learned a new violin solo piece
9/9: Unexpectedly spent the whole afternoon and evening with my best friend
9/10: Had a camp retreat leaders training
9/11: Sang at my church's youth mass
9/12: Visited my Grandpa Rudy at the cemetery
9/13: Bought new solo pieces to play on violin
9/14: Unexpectedly attended a mass here at NDNU during my gap
9/15: Finished homework early
9/16: Had a deep talk with an old friend
9/17: Went to my cousins 21st birthday party
9/18: Learned how to waltz
9/19: Everyone was amazed when I played my electric guitar
9/20: Macroeconomics class was cancelled
9/21: Performed a new solo piece for the first time and it went better than expected
9/22: Went to confession with my friends
9/23: First day of retreat in Oakland
9/24: Gave a testimony to over 100+ youth
9/25: Sang the responsorial psalm with Jhoselle for the first time
9/26: Made brownies for my family
9/27: Got a free pretzel
9/28: Spent time with my best friend before she left for Texas to see her brother in the Air Force
9/29: Had a confirmation leaders meeting
9/30: First confirmation class went great with all the new changes made

It is hard to choose which day was the best day for me. Even though I had bad days, I had a lot more good moments coming out from it. This gratitude journal helped me realize that I should be thankful for the little things that happen everyday.

If I had to choose which day was the best day of the month of September, I would probably choose September 24th. On this day, I was on a retreat in Oakland with my youth group. I was one of the leaders that were chosen to give a share about who Jesus Christ is to me. I was honestly so shocked when the coordinators of camp chose me. However, I was honored to be chosen to speak among the youth. I was so nervous to give my testimony because I have never spoken to a large amount of students before. Though I was very anxious, I knew that I had enough confidence to speak what I went through especially with all my experiences. It was such an amazing sight to see how interested the students were in hearing my story. I thought that these high school students would have just brushed me off and listened because they had to. But they proved me wrong. I was told by one of my coordinators at camp that I was able to convert and inspire souls through my share because they went through similar circumstances and experiences too.

It humbled me so much knowing that my story inspired other people. The 24th of September was a great day, and I will never forget it.